|  | council of Jerusalem is the first known of these councils and was called to answer the questions raised by the Judaizers |
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|  | council of Jerusalem falls in the middle of the book of Acts and describes the turning point for the Church when the council officially recognizes the evangelization of the Gentiles. |
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|  | the Christian church broke away from the Mosaic rules while maintaining its roots in the rich theology and traditions of the chosen people. |
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|  | main issue at this council is “do you have to become a Jew before you can become a Christian?” |
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|  | Circumcision was prescribed by the Torah which, according to Hebrew tradition, was written down by Moses. |
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|  | Circumcision placed a physical mark on the body indicating that the bearer was one of God’s chosen people. |
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|  | Galatians 2:9 tells us that Saints Peter, James and John were there. |
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|  | Saint Paul is not amending Saint Peter’s decision but is offering a manner of implementation which will not offend the sensibilities of the Jewish onlookers while at the same time relieving the converts, |
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|  | there was a central authority within the Church, even at this early date. |
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|  | The ruling body has the ability (and responsibility) to bind the Church in matters of doctrine |
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|  | Church authority does not act on its own power or agenda; it is legitimate only in carrying out the saving will of God. |
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|  | abstain from meat sacrificed to idols, from blood, from meats of strangled animals, This is the disciplinary part which lays down rules of prudence which can change. It asks Christians of Gentile background to abstain, out of charity toward Jewish Christians, |
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|  | The effect of the decree means that the disciplinary rules contained in it, although they derive from the Mosaic law, no longer oblige by virtue of that law but rather by virtue of the authority of the Church, which has decided to apply them for the time being. |
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|  | What matters is not what Moses says but what Jesus the Christ says through the Church. |
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|  | unlawful marriage. This is the moral part, it declares that the pagan (Gentile) converts are free of the obligation of circumcision and of the Mosaic law but are subject to the gospel’s immutable moral teaching on matters to do with chastity. |
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|  | it was Jesus’ mission to go to the earthly Jerusalem to offer His sacrifice; so that we could find the path which we must follow to reach the Heavenly Jerusalem and dwell with Him forever. |
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|  | The glory of the Church is being compared with its source, the splendor (glory) of God. |
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|  | Three, in Hebrew numerology, is the number of completion. |
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|  | Four directions, in Hebrew numerology, this indicates the whole world. |
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|  | twelve, the number of earthly fullness and governmental perfection in Hebrew numerology. |
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|  | The preaching of the apostles is to the formation of the Church as the foundation is to an edifice |
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|  | There is no longer a need for the Holy Place or the various courtyards, everyone can approach God directly. |
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|  | “Lord, how is it that you will manifest yourself to us, and not to the world? The answer to this question is the Eucharist. |
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|  | we will come to him and make our dwelling with him. There is no longer any separation between God and the believers; they don’t need to look to the parousia to experience the presence of God. |
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|  | All who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God |
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|  | As the Son was sent in the name of the Father to do His works and will (John 5:43), so the Spirit stands in relation to the Son. |
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|  | Faith is not simply the acceptance of a proposition, but a commitment to a person. |
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|  | After Christ’s ascension, it will be the function of the Holy Spirit to complete the revelation of Christ by enlightening the Church concerning the true and full meaning of what Jesus had done and said. |
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|  | Peace, in Hebrew is shalom. Shalom was and is the common Jewish formula of greeting and farewell. |
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|  | The word has a much deeper significance however, as an expression of the harmony and communion with God that is the seal of the covenant |
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|  | Shalom came to have an eschatological and messianic meaning (see Isaiah 9:6), virtually the same as salvation. |
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