In the fourth century St. Ephrem called Mary “Lady” and “Queen.”
Hymns of the 11th to 13th centuries address Mary as queen: “Hail, Holy Queen,” “Hail, Queen of Heaven,” “Queen of Heaven.”
It was Pope Pius XII who established this feast in 1954.
she is closely associated as the New Eve with Jesus’ redemptive work, because of her preeminent perfection and because of her intercessory power.
Mary’s earthly life is a journey of faith, hope and love
what happens to the Virgin daughter of Nazareth at the end of her earthly pilgrimage will happen to each of us if we are faithful and obedient as she was.
because of the obedience and fidelity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, at the end of her earthly life, she was assumed both body and soul into heavenly glory.
the Virgin is “causa nostrae laetitiae — the cause of our joy”
after her Assumption into heaven Mary was crowned as Queen of heaven and earth.
If God chooses the lowly to fulfill His plan, how then should we think of those who are far from the corridors of earthly power?
Let us pray for the grace to value humility and obedience above fame and authority, and seek to imitate Mary’s lowliness of heart.
Let us look for opportunities to serve those less fortunate than we are.
She was not proud or grand; she humbly and patiently received God’s word and surrendered her life to His plan, not her own.