|  | We acknowledge the Trinity, holy and perfect, to consist of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. |
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|  | for the Father makes all things through the Word and in the Holy Spirit, and in this way the unity of the holy Trinity is preserved. |
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|  | God is above all things as Father, for he is principle and source; he is through all things through the Word; and he is in all things in the Holy Spirit. |
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|  | Paul traces all reality back to one God, the Father, saying: Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of service but the same Lord; and there are varieties of working, but it is the same God who inspires them all in everyone. |
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|  | Even the gifts that the Spirit dispenses to individuals are given by the Father through the Word. For all that belongs to the Father belongs also to the Son, and so the graces given by the Son in the Spirit are true gifts of the Father. |
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|  | when the Spirit dwells in us, the Word who bestows the Spirit is in us too, and the Father is present in the Word. |
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|  | For where the light is, there also is the radiance; and where the radiance is, there too are its power and its resplendent grace. |
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|  | For grace and the gift of the Trinity are given by the Father through the Son in the Holy Spirit. |
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|  | Just as grace is given from the Father through the Son, so there could be no communication of the gift to us except in the Holy Spirit. But when we share in the Spirit, we posses the love of the Father, the grace of the Son and the fellowship of the Spirit himself. |
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