| | key line from this reading of Acts is: “It is necessary for us to undergo many hardships to enter the Kingdom of God.” |
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| | kingdomis characterized by God’s grace, mercy, kindness (hesed), goodness, and compassion. |
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| | NewJerusalem is often identified as an image of heaven, but it is more accurate tosee it as a vision of the Church. |
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| | Church can be made with the help of St. Paul, who callsthe Church both the Bride of Christ (Eph. 5) and also the Temple of God, builton the foundation of the Apostles |
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| | New Jerusalem is Bride of Christ (Rev 21:9), a giant Holyof Holies (21:16), built on the foundation of the Apostles |
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| | through the ministryof the Church and the Sacraments, we receive a great deal of comfort andconsolation as we “strive to enter the Kingdom.” |
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| | The city is a “bride,” marriedto the Lamb, and marriage was one of the primary forms of covenant. |
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| | A covenant is the extension of familyties by an oath. |
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| | “He will wipe every tear from their eyes.” This is a very intimate gesture. It is human nature to resist another persontouching one’s face, especially around one’s eyes. If a stranger approached us and reached forour eyes, we would react violently and defensively. This is only something we would accept from afather, a mother, a spouse. God promisesus this level of intimacy forever in the Church Triumphant, the life to come. |
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| | Why is this moment considered the “glory” of theSon of Man? We may offer many differentperspectives on that question, but perhaps it is because Jesus has justconsented to the will of the Father, consented to the total act of self-giftthat will lead to the cross. |
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| | The Old Testament already commanded one to “love your neighbor asyourself” (Lev 19:18). What is new hereis to love as Jesus has loved, whichis to love more than self. |
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| | The community of disciples that Jesus has formedand is forming, which can also be called “the Church” and “the Kingdom,” shouldbe marked by this love |
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