A collection of various works taken from online resources in fidelity to the teaching of the Magisterium and by the authority of the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church.

Mass of the Lord's Supper

*Peter didn’t understood it at all, he refused. But Jesus explained it for him. Jesus – God – did this!
*It is the Lord’s example: he is the most important, and he washes feet, because with us what is highest must be at the service of others.
*And with us too, don’t we have to wash each other’s feet day after day? But what does this mean? That all of us must help one another.
*As a priest and a bishop, I must be at your service. But it is a duty which comes from my heart: I love it. I love this and I love to do it because that is what the Lord has taught me to do.
*And let us think that this sign is a caress of Jesus, which Jesus gives, because this is the real reason why Jesus came: to serve, to help us.

"To condescend to the humblest duties, and to devote oneself to the lowliest service is an exercise of humility: for thus one is able to heal the disease of pride and human glory."

- Decretal on Penance (D. II., cap. Si quis semel)